Bullying can happen to anyone, anywhere, occurring in school, during extracurricular activities, online, or in your own backyard, regardless of your race, religion, gender, or socioeconomic background. Even if your child isn’t the target of bullying themselves, they could be affected by seeing someone else victimized.
Discuss the impact of cyberbullying and how words can be just as or even more hurtful than physical action. Talking to them about how a joke made online or adding onto others’ comments might seem harmless but could actually be taking part in cyberbullying.
Encourage middle schoolers, and teens especially, to think about what they say and post online and explore ways they can stand up against cyberbullying when they see it. Ask if they’ve witnessed bullying in the past, how they felt about it, and how they can safely intervene or help prevent it from happening in the future.